/start 200 /start 50 anime /start 100 cartoons;anime;TV
!trivia start
!trivia stop
/quickfire 15 /quickfire 10 history /qf 50 history;general
/qf !trivia quickfire
/hardcore 15 /hardcore 40 TV /hc 50 TV;Movies
/hc !trivia hardcore
!trivia stats
/wallet !trivia coins
/give Brain#0001 999
!trivia give
/profile Brain
!trivia profile
/enable Anime
!trivia enable
/disable Conundrums
!trivia disable
!trivia categories
/top !trivia topteams
!trivia nitro
/localrank /localrank @Brain /localrank Brain#0001 /localrank 189759562910400512
!trivia rank
/globalrank /globalrank @Brain /globalrank Brain#0001 /globalrank 189759562910400512
!trivia globalrank
!trivia info
!trivia vote
/votehintyour hint will be delivered by a reply to your command, marked as "only you can see this". If instead you use a message command, e.g.
!votehintthen your hint will be delivered to you via a direct message. It is recommended to use the slash command version, so that you can see the hint and use it without having to swap to the DM and back. One you have used all eight voter hints, you must wait until you can vote again to get eight more. If you do not use your hints in a twelve hour period, they do not carry over.
!vh !votehint !trivia votehint
/create myteam
!trivia create
/create, as shown above.
/join theirteam
!trivia join
/create, as shown above. All team information can be customised by the creator of the team using the team hub page, who's link can be found in the details shown here. From the team hub, a team owner can set the description, a discord invite link, a website address, an image, and configure privacy options for the team member list.
/team theirteam
!trivia team
/privacy on, and you are a member of a team, your membership of that team will show as
[ Private Member ]instead of your username on the team hub for your team, if that team is showing its member list publically.
/privacy on
!trivia privacy
!trivia leave
!trivia invite
!trivia ping
/language tr
!lang !trivia language
/prefix >
!trivia prefix
!trivia help
/achievements /achievements Brain#0001 /achievements 189759562910400512
!ach !trivia achievements
!startwhich will start a round of 10 questions. If you want more questions, simply put a number after the !start command, and if you want a faster round, use
/answeror similar commands). The bot is somewhat forgiving and will permit small spelling mistakes in your answer.
/statson any channel and refreshing the page if neccessary.
!languagecommands. These commands require you to be a server owner, have administrator access to the server, or be on the list of moderator roles within the bot's dashboard.
/statsor any other command on your server to refresh the details of your server with the bot. Log into the bot's dashboard. Within the dashboard click on the server you want to assign role rewards in, and change the option Grant role for one day for being first place to yes. This will enable the field labelled Role to give to first place winners. Scroll down this list, and select your reward role as shown in the image below, followed by clicking Save Settings.
/statsor any other command on your server to refresh the details of your server with the bot. Log into the bot's dashboard. Within the dashboard click on the server you want to assign role rewards in, and change the option Grant a role for the day for scoring this many points to the number of points the user must score to earn the role. This will enable the field labelled Role to give players if score is reached. Scroll down this list, and select your reward role as shown in the image below, followed by clicking Save Settings.